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Project manager

Monitor the progress of the work

Take delivery of better-quality projects in record time with fewer observations.
54,99 €
150 000
4 personnes entrain de discuter avec un casque de chantier et un iPad dans les mains


Closely track the project’s progress (detailed dashboard)
Set up confirmation steps specific to your own internal process
Offer a buyer view
Can create delivery reports with the desired information
Collaborate with supervisors and contractors
Keep a record of all project construction information

Applicable businesses

Property developers, asset administrators, project managers, supervisors, etc.

You’re the client; the work is being done on your behalf. By defining the construction plan and your pricing, deadline, and quality requirements, Archipad will enable you to track the project’s progress. Once construction is complete, accepting the work is easy with Archipad’s help, and the delivery report can be completed in real time.

Archipad lets you monitor progress, and taking delivery becomes faster and simpler.

Our customers' testimonials

I've been working with and selling Archipad software since 2015 and it's been going great.
Judicaël Laissu
I met one of the founders of Archipad at the Batimat innovation competition in 2011. Since then, I've been selling Archipad software. Our relationship is very professional and I'm delighted with this collaboration.
Patrice Infante
CAD Equipement
Corps d'état sur un chantier avec une tablette à la main utilisant l'application de suivi de chantier Archipad
Fluid, efficient and intuitive. Archipad helps you manage your projects effectively.
Vincent Altenhoven
We save one day for every five houses delivered, thanks to Archipad observations management.
Tom Ostrihon

The reference application

150 000
time saved per meeting
satisfaction rate

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