Architects, supervisors, work overseers, site foremen, schedulers/coordinators, etc.
Tracking a project’s progress with Archipad becomes child’s play with the dashboard. Work is made easier by the tool and its many features. Update the BIM model throughout construction using observations recorded in the field. Deliver a finished project in real time, by the deadline set in the client’s specifications. Save documents and view them any time. Designing the structure, directing workers, and checking the execution of their work is also made easier with real-time information transmission, dedicated note-taking, generating statistics, and more.
During the worksite monitoring phase, it only takes one action to write accurate reports directly at the worksite and notify workers and partners about them. The same is true for editing the statuses of meetings and for sending reports. In the project’s final phase, writing the final acceptance report and addressing observations takes just one click.
Time is valuable, and with Archipad, all these time-consuming phases become child’s play.