Teachers and students
Use Archipad Premium for free!
To help students and teachers incorporate the latest technologies into their coursework and their construction careers, Bigsool is proud to offer you Archipad at no cost.
Download Archipad for free from the AppStore, and create your free account,
Start using Archipad directly for free during one month, and send us your request to activate your free Premium subscription on your account by mail to info@archipad.com,
Please join a copy of your student card or faculty member card for your request to be validated,
As soon as your request is validated, you can use Archipad for free one year, renewable as long as you can justify your student or teacher status.

Try Archipad free of charge - no commitment or credit card required
Watch the videos
- Create a project
- Share a project
- Create your first construction visit
- Add observations
- Close observations
- Add report elements
- Monitoring progress
- Generate the visit report
- View observations
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To take advantage of the offer
All teachers and students can take advantage of this offer by following the 4 simple steps below.